Friday, February 24, 2012

Turtles in Bataan

Hey guys!

It's The Science Journal and we're back with more news! Recently, we went on a fieldtrip to Bataan where we learned more about turtles and nuclear energy. Today we're going to be focusing more on the turtles known as "Pawikan" in the Philippines. We all joined this field trip because we thought that this would be a good experience to learn and be with our batchmates. We expected different things though. Iuad said,"I expected fun!" while Derp said,"I expected that there would be enough babies to hatch on Feb. 3, 2012.". Zanurak had another idea about the trip. He said,"Go places and chaos on bus!". Before the trip, obviously, we were all very excited and some sleepy too because it was early in the morning.

Picture Source

So first we tackled the long roads of the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) and the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). We did have a good time on the bus, spending time with our classmates.

Picture Source

So we arrived at our first destination, the Pawikan Conservation Center (PCC). We expected too see turtles immediately! We also expected to learn everything about these turtles and we did at the orientation. So basically, the PCC aims to conserve and save the turtles (pawikans) from the threat of extinction due to the demand of the turtle's shells and other parts. The turtles are very quickly vanishing because of this. So what we did learn was the how the turtles are slowly dying and how the PCC aims to stop this. So here are some details of a particular species that nests at the shores of Bataan. Here is the outline:

    1. Olive Ridley Turtle
         A. Olive Ridley
         B. Lepidochelys olivacea
         C. Kingdom: Animalia
             Phylum: Chordata
             Class: Reptilia
             Order: Testudines
             Family: Cheloniidae
             Genus: Lepidochelys
             Species: olivacea
    2. Characteristics
         A. Interesting Facts
              1. The olive ridley is considered the most abundant sea turtle in the world. 
              2. Estimated 800,000 nesting females annually.
              3. Gets its name from its heart-shaped olive carapace.
         B. We chose this turtle because of its interesting features.
         C. Pictures Below
    3. Ecological Relationship
         A. The Olive Ridley is an omnivore
         B. Relationship With Other Organisms
              1. The Olive Ridley turtle has an important role in the food chain.
              2. Without it, all of its prey will be abundant and will overpopulate the ocean.
    4. Release of Hatchlings
         A. We were able to release
         B. The species was Olive Ridley

                                                                       Picture Source

So that's it guys! We really enjoyed our trip and we hope you enjoyed reading! We'll see you again soon with more Science updates!

The Science Journal


  1. Hey Guys! We had a wonderful time reading your blog post! :D You detailed everything from the start of the trip, then to the bus ride and finally, to your destination! And now, here are your scores for each category:
    1. Content 8/10
    2. Coherence 5/5
    3. Creativity 4/5
    4. Voice 4/5
    5. Mechanics 4/5
    6. Text layout 4/5
    7. Graphics and Multimedia 5/5
    8. Intellectual Honesty 5/5
    Total: 39/45
    There were lots of pictures in your blog post; although, posting your own pictures would be really GREAT. There were also interesting topics you discussed here and it really shows that you enjoyed the trip! Although, there were some parts of the outline that we didn’t really understand and you could’ve presented the topic in a much creative way rather than just the outline. Nevertheless, the blog post was really nice and AWESOME, but try to add more of your enthusiasm to your writings next time. And we really liked your revelry in pictures and all the other facts in your writings.
    Over-all, there weren’t any boring parts and we enjoyed reading it and at the same time, felt the way you felt while reading it. Keep up the good work, Iuad, Arphados, Zanurak, Derp, and Charlie!
    -The members of “A Trip to Nature”

  2. The post was very straightforward to the point that you've outlined your answers to the guide questions.

    Here are your scores (also in outline form):

    Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 3/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 4/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 3/5
    Comments - 8/10
    Peer - 39/45

    TOTAL: 82/100

    TheLastOne did a very good critiquing of your post. Do consider the suggestions given.
