Friday, March 9, 2012

The Politics Behind The BNPP

Hello to everyone!

We, The Science Journal have become the president of the Philippines. There is a power crisis in the Philippines and we wish to solve this problem. There is one major issue though. It is the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. The opening of the plant will remove all problems of the energy crisis but if it fails, the safety of the people and animals will be compromised. Meltdowns such as the one at Chernobyl, can occur again. So we will walk you through the opinions of each and everyone of us.

If Arphados was president:

"I would definitely open the plant for the convenience of the people to help them with the power crisis. Failures such as meltdowns like in Chernobyl have a very slight chance of occurring and if so, there are many safety procedures to contain them."

If Zanurak was president:

"No, I wouldn't because I would rather open up a solar or wind powered plant because it is more eco-friendly. There is also no risk of dangerous occurrences like meltdowns! This will protect the wildlife and the people around the vicinity."

If Derp was president:

"Well this is a quite a hard thing to decide. I looked at the pros and cons and decided that overall this is a good idea to open the BNPP. This will help the Filipinos overcome the power crisis and no brownouts ever again!

If Iuad was president:

"I would side with Arphados on his decision because I feel it will benefit everyone. If something goes wrong though, there are many back-up systems to control the situation and the wildlife and people will be spared."

If Charlie was president:

"No because of the many risks to humans and wildlife like at the Pawikan Conservation Center (PCC). Even though the output of this plant is high, I would not open it for the safety of all living things in the area. I would instead resort to other, more eco-friendly sources of power."

So overall the new parliament of the Philippines, The Science Journal, votes to open the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant for the benefit of all the Filipino citizens. No brownouts, no power-cuts, power which will last a very long time, and only a slight risk of failure. 
Bataan Nuclear Power Plant will be officially opened by The Science Journal!

This is our conclusion!


  1. Hey TSJ! Blog-venture time over here!

    Content - 5/5
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 5/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 4/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    TOTAL: 42/45

    The post was informative on your decision about wether or not to open the BNPP. We think, however, that your images could've been spaced out bit better. There were some, (but small), errors here, such as Derp's missing quotation mark.

    Keep it up, TSJ!

  2. A different attack you have here.

    Here are your scores:

    Content - 8/10
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    Comments - 9/10
    Peer - 42/45
    Deductions - 1 point (for late peer evaluation)

    TOTAL: 90/100

    It was very straightforward. However, it could have been more convincing if you gave more empirical data to support your decision.
