Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Predicament of Nuclear Energy

Hello there all!

This is the Science Journal again and we're here today to talk about a very important topic: nuclear energy! So let's start off with what nuclear energy is exactly. Well it is basically the energy given off by nuclear reactions. There are two sides of the controversy though that should be taken into account. So let's start with the advantages or the pro-nuclear energy side.


So first of all nuclear energy releases much, much more energy than other sources of energy do. This then produces much more electricity in turn. Currently, 12-18% of the world's energy is produced by nuclear power plants. Second, there is no release of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), in the reaction. Third, there is enough fuel (Uranium) to last for a few hundred years and it is easier to transport than other fuels. Coal will last us only for a few more decades and ironically, it emits more radiation into the atmosphere than a NUCLEAR power plant.

Now let us begin with the disadvantages of nuclear power. First of all, nuclear energy is very powerful (obviously) and it can be used by evil people in evil ways. Like the production of nuclear bombs and missiles to cause destruction in times of war. Second, even though the production of power is high, which will lead to lower electricity prices, the initial input for construction is very high as well (millions of dollar$$$$!) and the time it takes to construct one plant is 15-20 years! There is a risk of fuel strikes while constructing the plant so it might go dormant just like the BNPP (will be discussed later on). Third, we have the used fuel.

Used fuel is very radioactive and can harm humans and the environment. It remains this way for thousands of years and can only be disposed of underground. The spent uranium will stay there until scientist find a way to recycle or somehow do something about the used fuel.


Fourth and final drawback, meltdowns! Meltdowns are very dangerous to the environment and to us too! They can cause cancer and cell mutation because of radiation poisoning!


Overall, for us, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks so we are in favor of using nuclear energy to benefit society. Even though there are some drawbacks like meltdowns, there are many security procedures and emergency reserves that can prevent these.

Now continuing our discussion, we will now talk about the BNPP, the closed power plant at Bataan, Philippines. As we mentioned, we are in favor of opening plants like these that use nuclear energy to supply the needs of the people. We also mentioned previously that we went on a field trip. On that trip we did not only visit the sea turtles at PCC, we also went to Bataan Nuclear Power Plant! Before the trip we were expecting to learn about all the machines and mechanisms at work within the plant and why it was closed down and how the plant management plans to reopen it.

What we expected to learn were the things that we indeed learned. When we arrived, we went through an orientation presentation on the BNPP where we learned most of the advantages of opening the BNPP. When we got inside the plant, we saw all the machines, just like we expected. We saw the control room, the reactor, the storage tanks for the coolant water and lots of other cool stuff.

This is the Westinghouse Turbine at BNPP


For us, we all enjoyed the Control Room best because of its complexity. Many buttons,  levers, switches, maps, phones and everything else you would expect to see in a control room. Since it was very warm at the plant when we visited, we also enjoyed staying by the electric fan while waiting for our tour guide to move on.


After that trip we have been enlightened about nuclear energy with its advantages and disadvantages. We have learned how it can benefit society and how it can sometimes harm humankind. We hope you have learned what we have learned. Finally, we hope you can decide for yourself on which side you are on in The Predicament of Nuclear Energy.

Until next time!
The Science Journal


  1. Hello TSJ! This evaluation is from onegreenerfuture. So here's the scores:
    Text Layout-5
    Graphics and Multimedia-5
    Intellectual Honesty-5
    Total: 39/45
    That was a great post! But, c'mon guys have some fun! Be more creative. We expect more posts from you.

    1. Keggle,

      You lack 5 points for creativity. Since you were given the chance to evaluate this blog despite being very late, yet still you missed a criterion, 5 points will automatically be awarded to TSJ.

      Therefore the new total of TSJ's score is 44/45.

  2. Why did the font abruptly change in the second paragraph?

    Here are your scores:

    Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 4/5
    Text Layout - 3/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    Comments - 8/10
    Peer - 44/45
    Deductions - 1 point (for posting late)

    TOTAL: 89/100

    You can improve more your post's layout. Keep it neat.
